Thursday, 22 September 2016

Child Language Development


  • Dr. Deb Roy filmed his son for 3 years; he found that at the age of 2 his son was learning around 10 new words a day. (No one else has done this experiment because of its expensive). 

  • Jean Berko Gleason developed the “Wug” test in 1955 where she asked children questions where they had to fill in the blanks of nonsense things e.g. ‘this is a Wug, now there are two "____"

How we learn to speak- imitation and reinforcement from primary caregivers, having interactions with others though play and other contexts (nurture), or are we just born with language already in us? (nature)
Fox P2 (part of our DNA which is ‘in charge’ of language).

Language development

  • 7,000 languages in the world and it started around 50,000 years ago.
  • At around 2 years old a child starts to speak. 
  • There is a window for language development which closes at early puberty.
  •  Dr. Deb Roy filmed his son for 3 years; he found that at the age of 2 his son was learning around 10 new words a day. (No one else has done this experiment because of its expensive). 
  • Stephen pinker says that children say things that they haven’t heard before (nature).
  • Jean Berko Gleason developed the “Wug” test in 1955 where she asked children questions where they had to fill in the blanks of nonsense things e.g. ‘this is a Wug, now there are two "____"
  • Deaf children exposed to sign language show the same stages of language acquisition as do hearing children exposed to spoken language.
  • If a person develops their language after puberty they will never fully acquire their language.
  •  Children at the age of 18 months will have a productive vocabulary of around 50 words.
  • A child understands more that it can speak.
  •   If you expose a baby too two languages it will lean both.

AQA English Language


AQA Coursework page:

Word of Mouth- Micheal Rosen